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Zhengzhou International 三月,以你之姓冠树之名,共赴一场春日之约!

郑州之窗2021-03-31 11:00:56

‘Second day of lunar February, dragon raises its head’, everything is genuinely waking up at this time: spring is coming.


‘Third day of lunar March, worship Xuanyuan’, lightning ready to strike and wind travels, calling for the liveliness of spring. On this day, Chinese people around the globe collectively worship Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first humanitarian ancestor.


China has had the saying ‘second day of lunar February, dragon raises its head; third day of lunar March, worship Xuanyuan’ since ancient times, continuous Juci Mountain, rippling Zhenwei; mountains and rivers of motherland, hometown of Yellow Emperor, as for each sons and daughters of China, seeking root and tracing ancestors, being respectful to parents’ funeral and remembering the ancestors not only are the tradition of Chinese nation, but also are the motive power for perpetual succession and transmission generation after generation of Chinese culture.

It takes several years for a tree to grow. If the saplings are ‘planted’ into your smart phones, how long will it take to shape a mountain forest?



March denotes a warm climate for all living things to get vitality.


We invite you to claim a ‘Mr. Tree’ and plant a ‘blessing forests’ with netizens. Watered by the Yellow River, the tree will be named after your surname. We call for your whole-hearted devotion to ‘plant’ a new hope in the spring.


To claim a tree named after your surname in the planting of a blessing forest.


Numerous Chinese people gather in Xinzheng, the hometown of the Yellow Emperor on the third day of March on the lunar calendar each year to pay tribute to the Chinese ancestor!


The year 2020 was heavily hit by the abrupt coronavirus. As such, the 2020 conventional grand ancestor-worship ceremony in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor moved to the Internet for the first time and opened an online ancestor worship platform. Chinese people across the world completed an online ancestor worship ceremony in a brand-new way, sending out blessing assembly number to the world through the Internet. After the online ancestor-worship platform went online, it immediately became a hit among all the Chinese people around the globe. Fingertip ancestor-worship became a hot spot for a while and became popular on the whole network.


This year, the 2021 online platform for ancestor-worship and blessing in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor will take a brand-new shape highlighted with ‘education simulation’ interactive sections, which will blow people away. Netizens are allowed to enter their surnames to ask for saplings and get the trees watered from the Yellow River by fulfilling assignments. The event also calls on family members and friends with the same surname to collectively plant a blessing forest. You are encouraged to plant a tree with your surname and to cultivate it with water from the Yellow River by just clicking on the screen of your smart phone.


With the help of the accumulated 100 small drops of the Yellow River water, the ‘Mr. Tree’ will eventually grow into big trees. The 100 ‘Mr. Tree’ with the same surname will become a ‘blessing forest’. While worshiping the ancestors and praying for blessings, they met with Chinese netizens with the same surname online to act together in the planting of new hope in the spring and let the ‘green’ spring in our hands move. Is this kind of ancestor-worship full of heart?


According to sources, the 2021 online platformfor ancestor-worship and blessing in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor will be supplemented by a host of interesting interactive activities compared with last year, such as education simulation, cross-screen interaction, and personal data base. The platform will also be highlighted by the popular Chinoiserie illustrations with more vivid page animations. All these efforts will contribute to the diversity and rituality of ancestor-worship in a vivid manner.  


What’s still unknown: what elements will be trendy in the 2021 online platform for ancestor-worship and blessing in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor? What kind of marvelous sparks will be produced by the coexistence of ‘traditional’ and ‘trendy’ ancestor-worship? Don’t worry, all will be unveiled one by one! (Reporter Zhang Sipei)

留点悬念:那么,辛丑年黄帝故里网上拜祖祈福平台有哪些环节会成为今年的拜祖新风潮?“传统”与“新潮”并存的拜祖方式会碰撞出怎样的奇妙火花?别急,接下来都将一一揭晓! (记者 张思沛)

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