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Tips for COVID-19 Prevention in Winter

郑州之窗2022-12-01 17:05:17

Winter, a peak season for infectious diseases, the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic‘s further spread is growing too. Here are some tips for protecting yourselves against the COVID-19 in winter.

Avoid Gathering

Try not to visit places with crowds or poor ventilation, such as cinemas and tourist spots, maintain at least 1 meter distance between yourself and other people.

Wear a mask at crowded publice spaces and keep a safe distance.

Personal Hygiene

Keep the room clean and open windows frequently to keep it ventilated.

Wash your hands frequently and carefully with running water and soap or hand sanitizer.

Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with dirty hands.

When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue.


Fresh and frozen meat should be fully cleaned. Raw and cooked food should be separated in cooking and preservation.

Use serving chopsticks and spoons at restaurants.


Take proper exercise. Exercise boosts blood cirulation and the functions of heart and lungs, and improves the respiratory system.

Avoid catching a cold, sleep well. Irregular lifestyle weaken the immune system and sleep helps remove fatigue and enhance the immunity.

Stay Vigilant

When you have fever, cough or other symphtoms please report your situation to CIS immidately, and go to hospital for treatment promptly. Do not take random medicines to avoid delayed diagnnosis and treatment.

Drink More Water

Drinking water helps keep the nose wet in dry weather and provides protection against viruses. Keeping hydrated also helps body detoxification.

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