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The first tripod cable-stayed bridge in China,Zhengzhou Tripod Bridge

郑州之窗2021-12-23 16:06:40

A bridge carries the soul of a city, witnesses the historical development and change of a city, and connects the life memories of several generations

Which bridge do you like in Zhengzhou? Which bridge let you reluctant to part, let ‘s visit zhengzhou full of infinite possibilities together.

一座桥承载着一座城的灵魂, 见证着一座城的历史发展和变迁, 通联着几代人生活回忆

你喜欢郑州的哪座桥? 哪座桥又让你恋恋不舍,让我们共同去探访充满着无限可能的郑州。



There is an aqueduct bridge beside the North Dragon Lake in Zhengzhou. Its overall shape is a "tripod" word in Chinese as "鼎", which is affectionately called "Zhengzhou Tripod Bridge".



In the thousands of years of Chinese traditional utensils, it seems that there is no one can use the same time as the tripod has been endowed with rich political, economic and cultural meaning.




Du Ling Square Ding



From the pottery ding 9,000 years ago to the present "ding" as the shape of the diversion canal bridge means inheritance,continuation and innovation.




The bridge represents the inheritance and development of the city, continuing the historical context of the city. This bridge is the city to draw a future ground "blueprint", writing zhengzhou legend of The Times. This bridge hides the inexhaustible power of the city's development.



Meet a bridge, know a city.




Name Card--Zhengzhou Ding Bridge



Scientific name: Longhu inner ring across the north diversion canal bridge

The bridge spans the north diversion channel and river level, connects longyi Street 1st in the east and Longyuan Street 16th in the west. It is 210 meters long, 53 meters wide and weighs 6,000 tons. The bridge's main tower is 104 meters high, consisting of four independent trapezoidal columns with a top width of 2.25 meters, a bottom width of 3 meters, and a height of 3.5 meters. Connected by crossbeams and rods between the columns, it forms a "tripod" structure, implying "prosperity of central China". On the basis of taking into account traffic, it carries important functions such as tourism and landscape.




Characteristics: The bridge design adopts the shape of "tripod", beautiful atmosphere, magnificent.



Address: Longhu Inner Ring road.The Navigational destination is Longhu inner ring across the north diversion canal bridge.





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