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Zhengzhou International 第五届金童象儿童电影周荣誉颁奖盛典在郑举行

郑州之窗2020-12-07 08:18:21



2020 the 5th Jin Tong Xiang Children’s Film Week awards ceremony is held in Huiji District of Zhengzhou on Dec. 5, 2018.



The event was directed by Henan Provincial Film Bureau, Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and co-sponsored by the Organizing Committee of Jin Tong Xiang Children’s Film Week, Beijing Film Association and Ningxia Film Association.



The entries are rich in types, and they are all excellent works based on minors and delivering positive energy.



With the subject of the Yellow River is divided into 3 chapters, namely: "the origin of the Yellow River," "the culture of Yellow River", "Yellow River takes off" aims at in the form of showing the origin of Chinese civilization, showing the multi-ethnic integration on both sides of the Yellow River.The inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage, the inheritance of red spirit and red gene, and the prospect of the next generation to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream and continue to move forward.



The Jin Tong Xiang Children’s Film Week has been successfully held for 4 consecutive years,it has built a high-quality platform for film cultural exchange and cooperation between domestic and foreign children filmmakers and hundreds of excellent children's films have been selected and promoted.

金童象国际儿童电影周已连续成功举办4届,评选和宣传推广了数百部优秀儿童电影作品,为国内外儿童电影人搭建了一个电影文化交流合作的高品质平台。(郑报全媒体记者 栾月琳 文 孙星灿 图)

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