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Zhengzhou International “商郑欧”国际班列首发 开郑欧班列地市合作先河

郑州之窗2020-12-23 07:41:07


photo/Zhang Qian


Last morning, accompanied by a loud whistle, the first China-Europe "Shangqiu-Zhengzhou- Europ" international train carrying 35 groups of containers left Shangqiu station, arrived in Zhengzhou and formed 50 groups of containers, and then headed west on the long journey of the China-Europe train.The train will depart from Khorgos and pass through Kazakhstan to Tashkent, Uzbekistan.



It is learned that the goods on this train mainly include electronic products, clothing raw materials, daily necessities, electromechanical equipment components, construction materials, etc., with Shangqiu and surrounding areas as the source of goods, covering the four provinces of Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui.



The smooth opeartion of "Shangqiu-Zhengzhou- Europ" , is the first time for the cooperation between Zhengzhou-Europe freight train and cities, and also an important part of the construction of Zhengzhou convergence Center of China-Europe freight train,which will further accelerate the construction of the Zhengzhou assembly center of the China-Europe freight train from "point to point" to "hub to hub", and accelerate the formation of an efficient collection and distribution system that combines trunk and branch services with hub distribution, with early results achieved.



As an important carrier of Henan's " Silk Road", The Zhengzhou-Europe train has been running 1,014 times in the 11 months before 2020, with a year-on-year growth of 12%.The accumulative value of goods was us $3.878 billion, up 26% year on year.The accumulative weight is 661,500 tons, up 37% year on year.This year, the zhengzhou-Europe freight train has significantly improved its opening frequency, full load rate and cargo weight per shift, and its opening quality has reached the best level in history.

作为河南“陆上丝绸之路”的重要承载,郑欧班列在2020年前11个月累计开行1014班,同比增长12%;累计货值38.78亿美元,同比增长26%;累计货重66.15万吨,同比增长37%。今年郑欧班列在开行频次、满载率、单班货值货重明显提升,开行质量达到历史最好水平。(记者 张倩 通讯员 邓婷婷 文/图)


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