Zhengzhou International 令人惊叹! 22米巨幅长卷剪纸《黄河明珠图》亮相郑州高新区

The pearl of the Yellow River

Zhengzhou National Hi-tech Industrial Development of Western Zhengzhou

Songshan Shaolin
A giant long paper-cut work named "Pearl of the Yellow River" recently appeared in Zhengzhou National Hi-tech Industrial Development. The work is 52 centimeters high and 22 meters long, which emphasis on depicting the Yan di and Huang di Square , Shaolin Temple, Railway station, Dehua Street, Qianxi Square and so on. The long volume is made by Huang Jianjun,a inheritor of intangible cultural heritage . It is his second masterpiece after the Four Great Classics.
文/图 孙庆辉 方宝岭