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Zhengzhou Energy 在郑务工小伙:早一点捐献干细胞救人 比休婚假更有意义

郑州之窗2020-12-23 10:08:16

Ding Youmin /photo


On December 22, Qian Qin, the 314th hematopoietic stem cell donor in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, donated hematopoietic stem cells to save the life of a leukemia patient at Henan Cancer Hospital.



Qian Qin who is a migrant worker in Zhengzhou is 29 years old. On February 26, 2017, he joined in China's Hematopoietic stem cell Donor Database during a voluntary blood donation activity. On August 18 this year, Qian Qin received a call from the Red Cross of Zhengzhou city, which said that he and a leukemia patient preliminary match success, then he did not hesitate to agree to donate, and passed a series of procedures such as high resolution match, donation physical examination.



During the donation period, Qian Qin had returned home to hold a wedding, but in order not to delay donation, let the patient get rid of pain and sufferings at an early date, he resolutely gave up wedding leave, returned to Zhengzhou to cooperate with the donation process. "Being able to donate earlier can save lives earlier, which is more meaningful than taking a wedding leave." Qian Qin said firmly.


(记者 李京儒 通讯员 张予/文 记者 丁友明/图)


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