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Zhengzhou Energy 郑州市民刘先生:造血干细胞“新年第一捐”

郑州之窗2021-01-05 09:49:56

On January 4, Mr. Liu donated hematopoietic stem cells at the Provincial Cancer Hospital, becoming the 316th donor in Zhengzhou and the first donor in Henan Province in the New Year of 2021.


Mr. Liu in his 38 is a father of two children. In July 2017, Mr. Liu, then working in Shanghai, learned about hematopoietic stem cell donation in a voluntary blood donation activity and knew that a successful match would save the life of a blood disease patient. He did not hesitate to join the Database of Hematopoietic stem cell donors in China.



On November 25 last year, Liu returned to Work in Zhengzhou after receiving a call from the Red Cross telling him that he had successfully matched with a patient with a blood disease. He immediately agreed to donate. At this time, Mr. Liu's little son was just born, and his family was in need of someone to take care of him. However, in order to let the patient recover as soon as possible, he actively cooperated with the medical examination and other procedures before donation.



As for Liu's choice, his wife did not understand it at first. In her opinion, donating hematopoietic stem cells means taking out bone marrow, which is not only painful but also harmful to the human body. Later, under Mr. Liu's patient explanation, she understood that the donation of hematopoietic stem cells was carried out by isolating and collecting hematopoietic stem cells from venous blood circulation, which did no harm to the health, so she was relieved.



"The chance of a non-blood match is too low," Liu said. "My success in matching with the patient is a kind of fate. I'm glad to help him."



Liu also wrote letters to encourage the patient to recover quickly and spread goodwill. "When misfortune strikes, optimism, warmth and sunshine are the best medicine," the letter reads. "No winter is impassable, no spring will not come. Please be sure that no winter is too long, and no spring is too short."



(记者 李京儒 通讯员 张予/文 记者 丁友明/图)


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