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Zhengzhou International 300米高空俯拍 ,郑州登封竟然这么美

郑州之窗2021-01-06 09:06:23


Songyang park▲嵩阳公园


It is an early park in Dengfeng. Built in 1995,the park has a history of 25 years. It is not only the first choice for citizens to do morning exercise and relax, but also carries many dengfeng people's childhood and youthful memories.





Qipanshan Park▲棋盘山公园


The treasure Park in the downtown area is so beautiful and comfortable that you can easily take good photos of it.

繁华市区里的宝藏公园,又美又舒适,随手一拍都是大片 。




Shao Lin Temple▲少林寺


Just glance at it one could feel a thousand year history. Combineing ancient and morden time, so you are Dengfeng in this way.





Pagoda in Songyue Temple▲嵩岳寺塔


It is the oldest brick pagoda existing in China, the "big corn" 70 kilometers away from the Songyue Pagoda, and the Jinmao Tower in Shanghai, 960 kilometers away from the Songyue Pagoda. The architectural appearance of this two famous new landmarks has its shadow. The endless greenery around it makes it fresh and smart.





Tower Forest▲塔林


Tower Forest,in possession of the largest and most numerous tower in China, is a museum of ancient Chinese art.





Cultural City▲文化城


The streets with dim lights and the buildings with brilliant colors make Dengfeng a beautiful city.





Yizhong Garden▲怡中园


The citizens' "happiness garden" hides the beauty of Dengfeng city as well as the great feelings of people's livelihood.





Star observation platform of Dengfeng▲观星台


The oldest astronomical observatory in China is also one of the earliest astronomical structures in the world.





Lotus Temple▲莲花寺


Locating at the foot of Lotus mountain,the temple has dense forest and quiet environment.It is the second batch of key cultural relics protection units in Zhengzhou.





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