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Zhengzhou International 嵩山下 雪惊艳了这个冬天

郑州之窗2021-01-12 09:12:13



Snow falls on Songshan Mountain, the thousand year old cypresses in Zhongyue Temple were clothed with thick snow.






Snowflakes fly, covering red walls and green tiles, immaculate beauty, tree shadow swaying, give visitors infinite reverie.






Walking in the Zhongyue Temple of Song Mountain , snow gave us poetic romance.






walking in the beautiful scenery, our heart dance with snowflakes.






Vast sky, magnificent buildings, lofty mountains, white snow etc. constitute this wonderful picture. When looking at the white snow, green trees, dark branches and invisible horizon, we can find that everything is very pure, clear, aloof from worldly worldly.






Zhongyue Temple of Song Mountain in the snow presents the most beautiful winter in the Central Plains, but it is hidden in the secret environment of the temple, quietly waiting for people to discover it.





文本来源:豫览影像   和来贵 文/图


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