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Give likes to Zhengzhou, not only on these measures

郑州之窗2022-01-17 11:33:15


◎ "Zhengzhou Fight against COVID-19" channel has been set up

◎ 郑州开通郑在抗疫应急求助平台

On January 9, Zhengzhou COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters, together with Zhengguan News, Zhengzhou Release, Zheng Haoban App and Xintong Bridge, officially opened the "Zhengzhou Fight against COVID-19" channel,which including epidemic policy, transportation, seeking medical care and medicine, student education, food supply and health code issues, providing person-to-person solutions for citizens' urgent, difficult, anxious and hopeful problems and receiving reasonable suggestions on epidemic prevention and control.

1月9日, 郑州市新冠肺炎疫情防控指挥部联合正观新闻、郑州发布、郑好办及“心通桥”搭建的“郑在抗疫·紧急求助通道”正式开启,设置了疫情政策、交通出行、寻医买药、学生教育、食品供应、健康码问题等多个求助类别,将为市民解决急难愁盼,接受疫情防控的合理化建议。



◎ Zhengzhou has launched a green channel for pregnant and lying-in women

◎ 郑州上线孕产妇绿色通道

On January 8, Zheng Haoban App launched " green channel for pregnant and lying-in woman" and "one thing to see a doctor" to provide convenient online medical consultation services to the public.





◎ Zhengzhou designated special personnel for the group who are in difficulties

◎ 郑州给特殊困难群体指定专人对接

A nucleic acid testing "knock on the door + door-to-door service" activity was carried out in the city to provide person to person services for the elderly, infirm, disabled, pregnant and other people with mobility difficulties.



◎ Zhengzhou has opened a 24 - hour free psychological counseling hotline for teenagers

◎ 郑州开通12355青少年心理疏导24小时免费热线

In order to do a good job in the situation of epidemic prevention and control of young people and the public psychological protection work, guide everyone to eliminate panic, anxiety, with a positive and healthy attitude to overcome the epidemic, zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee 12355 youth psychological counseling hotline has been opened, many professional psychological counselors on duty 24 hours a day. Continuously provide psychological counseling and counseling services for teenagers and parents in the city.




◎ Zhengzhou opens a green channel for nucleic acid testing to students

◎ 郑州给学生开辟核酸检测绿色通道

From January 10, primary and secondary schools in Zhengzhou started online teaching again. In order to avoid affecting students' normal learning, each nucleic acid testing sampling site opens a green channel for students, and the testing time is set in spare time, so that students can handle their study and the test.



◎ Zhengzhou has opened five psychological aid hotlines

◎ 郑州开通5条心理援助热线

Zhengzhou Women's Federation quickly implemented the deployment of epidemic prevention and control, and quickly launched the psychological assistance mechanism. 28 volunteers were online all day to ease the psychological problems of women and children families caused by the epidemic, and jointly win the "psychological war" against the epidemic and overcome the difficulties together.



In the face of the sudden outbreak, the government responded quickly and took varying measures. Medical workers fought on the front lines, staff at all levels stuck to their posts, and the general public cooperated actively. We believe that victory lies ahead.

面对疫情突如其来,政府反应迅速、分类施策, 医务工作者奋战前线,各级工作人员坚守岗位,广大群众积极配合,这才有了“众志成城”,加油,曙光在望!




Zhengzhou Release


Zhengzhou Online channel for help in the pandemic helped 442 person-times

郑在抗疫应急求助平台:您有所呼 我有所应

Zhengzhou Vision


Zhengzhou University in the winter days


The wetland park hidden on the outskirts of Zhengzhou

这个湿地公园 藏在郑州周边