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Zhengzhou Echo丨Goddness of the Luo River will hits Hangzhou and Zhengzhou

郑州之窗2022-06-10 09:54:49

Yesterday, the reporter learned from Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater, under the strong support of the city's culture, radio, film and tourism bureau, the theater created and performed the large-scale dance drama "Goddness of the Luo River" will be performed in Hangzhou Canal Grand Theater on June 11 and June 12, two performances will be performed in Nanjing Poly Grand Theater on June 18 and 19.


The dance drama "Goddness of the Luo River" , which based on Cao Zhi's famous "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River", "Poem of Seven Steps" and the related legends of the Goddess of Luo in central China, made the fate of a beautiful woman named Zhen Mi and the qurrel between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi as its clues. It skillfully integrates "poetry, book, ritual, music and dance", reveals modern people's exploration and understanding of the beauty of classical art, and exquisitely depicts a poignant love spanning thousands of years for the audience...


The person in charge of Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater told the reporter that the central plains culture is profound, and there is fertile ground for cultivating classical art. Over the years, the theater has insisted on offering high-quality products to the audiences. It has created a number of dance works that are deeply loved by audiences at home and abroad, such as Dance dramas “Shaolin in the Wind”, "Goddness of the Luo River”, “The Story of Yue Fei”, and dances Such as “Banquet at Tang Palace”, “Marching from the Army”, “We Are on the Bank of the Yellow River”, “"Theatergoing”, “Flower And Love”, and “Lotus”.


It is understood that the casts and crews of the theater made meticulous preparations to overcome the epidemic and other difficulties, aimed at promoting and inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and presenting a feast showing the spirit of Zhengzhou for audiences in Hangzhou and Nanjing.

据了解,此次演出,该剧院演职人员克服疫情等困难进行了精心准备,旨在弘扬传承中华优秀传统文化,为杭州、南京观众献上一场中原文化大餐,展示当今郑州文旅人奋发有为的精神风貌。(记者 成燕 通讯员 时立谦 姚世敬)

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