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Parent-child Journey--Zhengzhou Aquarium

郑州之窗2022-07-08 17:16:41

How to spend this meaningful summer in Zhengzhou? Recently, the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism recommended to the community issued six summer tourism routes of "Wandering in Henan to know more about China". Let’s see together the attractions in Zhengzhou of it together.


Parent-child journey


Go to a warm parent-child journey with your dearest baby hand in hand. do best friends, make childhood more beautiful.


Zhengzhou Aquarium


Zhengzhou Aquarium is located at the intersection of Guoji Road and Zhongyuan Road, with 7 pavilions and one scene for each.


Visitors could enjoy tropical freshwater fish in the Tropical Rainforest Pavilion, observe shallow coral reef fish in the coral Reef Pavilion, and collect shells and weave nets in the Marine Folk Pavilion.Visitors could actually see sharks, rays and other large marine fishes as they walk through a 70-meter-long underwater tunnel.


Zhengzhou Release


Grain in Ear, the harvest season in Zhengzhou

在芒种“麦”向丰收 郑州风吹麦浪 香飘中原

Foreigners celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in Zhengzhou

外国人在郑州过端午 祈平安 愿健康

Zhengzhou Vision


Zhengzhou University in the winter days


The wetland park hidden on the outskirts of Zhengzhou

这个湿地公园 藏在郑州周边