Zhengzhou Energy 丨十年守护 粽香感恩
Yesterday, the scouts on duty at a gate of primary school in workers’ village received an unexpected holiday gift: traditional Chinese rice-puddings with aroma sent by students from the mentioned school, as well as the children’s thanks and blessings.
昨日,在工人新村一小门口执勤的人民路巡防队员,收到意外的节日礼物:该校学生送来散发清香的粽子,以及感谢和祝福 。
"These traditional Chinese rice-puddings represent the children's gratitude to the scouts for their hard work over the past ten years of hot summer and bitter winter. Teachers at the primary school said that the children made the Chinese rice-puddings with their own hands, from folding bamboo leaves and putting in glutinous rice to adding ingredients and covering them up.
Wang Xinyu from Class1 Grade 3 said, “I am grateful to see the scouts at the school gate every day” then he peels a zongzi and sending it to a scouts’ mouth.
Zhao Liquan, one of the scout said :” After eating Chinese rice-puddings sent by the children, I feel that my daily work has been recognized, and years of efforts are well worth”.