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Zhengzhou Confucian Temple in the snow

郑州之窗2022-01-24 10:09:30

photo/ Wang Yi


Snow falls quiet on Zhengzhou Confucian Temple, silver wrapped red wall, it’s not the Forbidden City, but Zhengzhou city.



photo/ Wang Yi


Zhengzhou Confucian Temple is located in the north of the East, near Zhengzhou Chenghuang Temple. If Chenghuang Temple is full of the atmosphere of human fireworks, that Confucian temple belongs to zhengzhou bookish spirit.



photo/ Wang Yi


photo/ Wang Yi


The Confucian Temple in Zhengzhou has a history of nearly two thousand years, dating back to the Yongping Reign (58-75) of Emperor Mingdi in the Eastern Han Dynasty.


photo/ Wang Yi


photo/ Wang Yi


It is the oldest, broadest and largest ancient architectural complex in Zhengzhou. After several times of prosperity and destruction, we see the main building of Confucian Temple, mainly concentrated in the Ming and Qing dynasties, namely the main building Dacheng Hall.



photo/ Wang Yi

photo/ Wang Yi




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