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Second Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference Held in Zhengzhou 丨第二届全球跨境电子商务大会5月10日在郑举行

郑州之窗2018-05-08 10:30:53

  On May 10, the second global cross-border e-commerce conference will be opened at the Ruyi Lake. As a highlight of this session, the e-trade expo center, with a total construction area of 89,000 square meters, will make its first appearance to guests at home and abroad.


  According to the arrangement, the opening ceremony and the cross-border e-commerce summit will be held in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center on the morning of May 10, during which several city representatives from home and abroad will give a speech.


  Long Yongtu, the lifelong chairman of Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference and honorary President of the EWTO institute will publish the latest research results of the institute. On the afternoon of October 10, Sub-Forum activities like Development of Cross-border E-commerce Industry chain optimization will be held. At the same time, achievement exhibition will also be held in the core functions of EWTO, which mainly displays the achievements of the test area, good products of China and so on.

  全球跨境电子商务大会终身主席、EWTO研究院名誉理事长龙永图将发布研究院最新研究成果。10日下午将举办 跨境电子商务产业链优化发展等 分论坛活动。同时,大会还将在EWTO核心功能集聚区举办全球跨境电子商务成果展,主要展示全国跨境电商综试区成果、中国良品等。





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