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Zheng Energy丨郑州市临床供血全部来自无偿献血

郑州之窗2018-06-15 11:53:52



  June 14 is the 15th World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) with the theme of “for the sake of others , donate blood to extend other’s life” . In order to thank blood donors for their selfless dedication, promote the humanitarian spirit of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying, and ensure the clinical blood supply and security. Cooperated with Henan Red Cross Blood Center, Zhengzhou Blood Donation Office carrys out a campaign named “World Blood Donor Day”.

  昨日是第15个“世界献血者日”,主题是“为他人着想 捐献热血 分享生命”,为感谢献血者的无私奉献,弘扬救死扶伤人道主义精神,保障临床血液供应与安全,省红十字血液中心联合郑州市献血办开展了“世界献血者日”主题宣传活动。

  5 voluntary unpaid donors with 200-time-records, 45 voluntary unpaid donors with over 100-time-record and 20 outstanding representatives of voluntary blood donation teams are honored.

  During the activity, mobile blood collecting vehicles, Voluntary Blood Donation Station of Xinmi, Voluntary Blood Donation Station on Daxuelu Street, and Voluntary Blood Donation Station of Gongyi hung the Propaganda banners and put up propaganda posters To celebrate the donor's own holiday.


  It is said that 214,000 people-times donated blood without compensation with the year-on-year growth of 1.74 percent. Under the condition of the continuous increase of clinical blood consumption, it has basically guaranteed the clinical blood consumption of various hospitals in the province. Our province has won the title of "national advanced province of unpaid blood donation" for six times, while Zhengzhou has won the title of "national advanced city for blood donation without compensation" for nine consecutive times.

  据悉,2017年我市无偿献血21.4万人次,同比增长1.74%, 在临床用血量持续攀升的情况下,基本保障了省会各家医院的临床用血。我省已六次荣获“全国无偿献血先进省”称号,郑州市连续九次荣获“全国无偿献血先进市”称号。

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