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Zhengzhou Energy 丨郑州退休老人自组“豫剧团”10年义演800多场

郑州之窗2018-06-27 12:46:47

         Attracting many opera fans, this is a folk art group initiated by two elderly people in Zhengzhou.


    Charity shows of the “grass roots” Yu Opera troupe

  Over the past 10 years, no matter rain or shine, more than 50 plus people with an average age of 65 will perform Yu opera in the multi-function hall of Zhengzhou Tianxiacheng community without any obstacles on every Tuesday and Friday morning. When on holidays, the troupe would go to squares, factories, and nursing homes for benefit performances. Playing rhythmically and flawlessly, the troupe has performed more than 800 performances at various sites.


  show in Sichuan

        The youngest member in the art troupe is 48, while the oldest is 76, and the average age is 65. In the past 10 years, regardless of high age and out of the commitment and love for Yu opera, as well as for the inheritance and spread of this intangible cultural heritage, the art troupe even raised funds by themselves and went to Taipei, Sanya, Shihezi, Chengdu, Xi 'an and Beijing for free performance in addition to performing in local communities, factories, nursing homes, squares and other places.


  The audience who have seen the performance are not only experience the unique charm of Yu opera, but also be affected by the positive, optimistic and self-improvement spirit of the members of the art troupe. Especially in the Taipei show, many of the audiences’ root is Henan, and after having leaved Henan for decades ,they heard the original Yu opera again, so everyone was moved to shed tears. After the performance for a long time, the audiences also don't want to leave.


  Song Yuhua said “ when looking back for the past 10 years, it is really not an easy time for the troupe which can not remain without the concerted efforts of the members and the silent support of the members’ children. Song Yuhua and her husband are amateur of Yu Opera. Seeing that many of the old people around them feel blue after retirement, Ms. Song wanted to organize a Yu Opera for the old. Therefore, the old couple took out their savings and the filial money, purchased costumes, props, sound equipment and other equipment for performance, and established their own Yu opera troupe.


  On the one side, this art troupe not only helps the old people feel happy and live a long and healthy life, and on the other side, we are also filial to our parents and the old people under the influence of Yu opera. Yu li, song's eldest daughter, said it was a good thing with many benefits. " For these lovely old people, what we should do now is to work hard, and we also hope to provide more support in the future to carry on the spirit of the troupe and help the old people enjoy their later life qualitatively.




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