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Zhengzhou energy 丨白血病女孩珊珊为病号设共享厨房

郑州之窗2018-09-03 14:04:19

  In the boarding house near the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, there is a “love kitchen”, which is shared for patients' families to cook .The girl, whose name is Du Shanshan is in charge.


  From Xihua county in Zhoukou city, Du Shanshan graduated from a key university in Wuhan.


  In June 2015, when Shanshan was in her 27-year-old, she was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and her boyfriend left her. She felt that she should not sit still and wait to die. She comforted her mother, saying that she should not spend too much money to cure her disease, for everyday she lives is gains.

  2015年6月,27岁的她被查出患有慢粒白血病,男朋友因此离她而去。珊珊觉得自己不能坐着等死,她安慰妈妈,不要为她治病花太多冤枉钱, 活一天赚一天。

  What makes Shanshan sorry for her mother is that to raise money for her medical treatment, her mother went to Xinjiang to pick cotton. Tough work hurts her mother’s fingernails and her got 5,000 yuan in two months. However , 5,000 yuan is not enough to buy even a half box of Glivec, the medicine that Shanshan needs.


  In the past, Shanshan's father, Du Gongde, had a stable job as a car manager in a company, but in order to take care of Shanshan, he lost his work. Hundreds of thousands of yuan was cost in that two years, and these was almost his lifelong painstaking effort. Until now, Du Gongde still supports his family by doing part-time jobs.


  When she lives in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou, she found that the wardmate who were from rural families, had no access to the Internet and to any help. What’s more, the huge cost makes their lives very difficult. This often made her feel that she had to do something for them.


  In 2017, Shanshan found a platform named “love funds” Through the Internet and became a charity ambassador to help patients collect donations. Through the online love fundraising platform, she collected donations from netizens from all over the country, so that the trickle became a river of love.


  Dong, a manager of the charity platform “love funds”, said that Shanshan has raised about 20 million yuan of charitable funds over the past year for 1,000 people with serious illnesses.


  Some patients do not understand Shanshan’s behavior,that thought without any reputation or profit, why should one help others with extreme fatigue, and who will help the one himself? Whle in Shanshan’s heart,life is not about length, it is but about how one makes his life meaningful.


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