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Positive Energy丨郑州大雪中的“最美背影”!为坚守前线的环卫工人点赞

郑州之窗2019-02-14 09:11:44

  At 7:50 PM on February 13, heavy snow was falling in Zhengzhou. On the ramp from south to east of the Yellow River Overpass on Zhongzhou Avenue, a 120 emergency vehicle was about to board the bridge when it suddenly slid due to the wet road.

  2月13日晚上7时50分 ,大雪纷飞,在郑州市中州大道黄河立交桥由南向东的匝道处,因受降雪影响,一辆即将上桥的120急救车突然打滑溜车。


  At this moment, a sanitation worker immediately ran forward to stop the slipping with hands, and this heartwarming scene happened to be captured by passing citizens. The passing private car owners have also praised him highly.


  It is understood that the man involved is Song Hongyan, who is a sanitation worker of Zhengzhou Huancheng Expressway Management office.



  At that time, Song Hongyan was dripping the snow melt agent , suddenly he saw a 120 ambulance on the bridge was slipping. Without hesitation, Song hurried forward to stop the sliding 120 ambulance.


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