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郑州之窗2019-04-25 22:33:52

  Although the drizzle enhance the difficulty of the game, but it do not affect the enthusiasm of 7000 runners. The so-called most beautiful day falls in April in the world. Running a marathon happily in the spring rain gives the runners an unforgettable and romantic experience.






  On April 21th, the 2019 Zhengzhou (High-tech Zone) International Women's Half Marathon & National Women's Half Marathon Championship kicked off accompanying with a moistening spring rain in Zhengzhou High-Tech Zone on April 21. 7,000 beautiful runners from across the world gathered in Zhengzhou, making the track more ‘colorful’.

  4月21日,2019郑州(高新区)国际女子半程马拉松暨全国女子半程马拉松锦标赛迎着春雨开跑,7000 名跑友相聚郑州,亮丽的赛道因为她们的到来而愈发“五彩缤纷”。





  Wang Junxia, who is known as "Oriental Reindeer" ,a famous women middle and long-distance runner and champion of Women's 5,000m Track and Field at 1996 Atlanta Olympics. She came to Zhengzhou and led the race.




  Like many domestic marathons, strong African runners again became the biggest winners in this year's Zhengzhou Women's Marathon, with Ethiopian runners finishing in the top three, with Ademke winning in 1 hour, 16 minutes and 36 seconds. Li Yunfeng from Yunnan won the national championship in 1 hour 16 minutes 43 seconds, finishing fourth among all the competitors.






  More than 100 foreign contestants came to Zhengzhou for the competition. They come from nearly 40 countries and regions, including the United States, Britain, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia, covering five continents.






  Marathon is a convenient and popular sport. There are players of all ages, which is fully reflected in the foreign runners. The foreign players ranged in age from the post-60s to the post-00s, with a range of more than 30 years. More than half of the players were born after 1990. The oldest is Tara, an American born in 1969. The youngest is Fentaye from Ethiopia, born on September 11, 2000.


        source: 遇见郑州 Wherezhengzhou

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