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Hot topics of Zhengzhou in February 2月--热搜郑州

Wherezhengzhou2020-03-02 08:32:05

When the epidemic first outbroke, search words such as "novel coronavirus", "infection", "fever" began to top the most searched words list; as the viruses spread and people from across the world rushed to the scene to provide help, touching reports about people braving risks to aid the most affected areas took the hot topic ranking. Recently we see keywords "recovered patients", "plasma", "work resumption" and "zero increase" frequently searched on the line. While people at different places type the same words, they are sharing the same concern and same wish for overcoming the current difficulty. From shift of the hot words around the epidemic, we see confidence of the whole nation in winning the fight.


The epidemic will end and the spring will be certain to come. How many hot topics of Zhengzhou in this February can you enumerate? What picture have you seen about the age, the city and the life then?疫情终将过去,春天一定会来。今年2月,郑州的热搜话题你知道几个?通过它们,又看到了怎样的时代,怎样的郑州,怎样的生活?

"Silk roads" operate uninterruptedly


On February 21, a cargo plane from Baku was unloading at the No. 34 parking bay in Zhengzhou Airport. The blue "SILKWAY" printed on the white fuselage shone in the sun.


According to statistics, during the epidemic, there are 10 domestic and overseas cargo airlines operating normally at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, of which 6 are foreign-owned. Through active communication, Henan Airport Group strives for and coordinates the air transportation capacity to ensure the normal running of major freight routes and the smooth supply of epidemic prevention goods, giving full play to the "air-air, air-land" multimodal transport for collection and distribution of Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport. Henan Airport Group also cooperates with the Administration Committee of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone to promote the resumption of work and production of key enterprises in an orderly manner. Foxconn has recovered the shipment of mobile phone products since February 8.


In addition, on February 16, China Railway Express (Zhengzhou) resumed normal operation. On February 19, Zhengzhou Railway-Maritime Express headed for Qingdao Port, marking the resumption of "Maritime Silk Road". During the epidemic, "silk roads" in Zhengzhou have been keeping on running and actively boosting the recovery of capacity. The great support received from global partners reflects the high confidence of international communities in the strong resilience and development potential of China's economy.


"Zero delay" in customs clearance + instant declaration handling


In February, Zhengzhou Customs issued the Special Plan of Zhengzhou Customs for Further Serving the "Epidemic Prevention and Foreign Trade Stabilization", introducing a total of 15 measures to win the steady development of foreign trade in Henan Province.

为了服务我省外贸平稳发展,郑州海关2月份出台《郑州海关进一步服务“防疫情 稳外贸”工作专项方案》,共15条措施。



Photo: Ma Jian

In terms of fully guaranteeing the rapid customs clearance of epidemic prevention and control supplies, Zhengzhou Customs has opened green channels and special windows to ensure "zero delay" in customs clearance; In the efforts to promote the import of daily necessities and the export of distinctive agricultural products, food and consumer goods of Henan province, it gives priority to the quarantine approval of imported animals, plants and relevant products as well as food which are critical to people's livelihood, realizing instant handling at the time of their declaration. Typically, the customs clearance of qualified supplies can be finished on the same day.


Rent free


At the beginning of February, major shopping centers, markets, office buildings, and taxi companies in Zhengzhou successively announced to reduce or remit the rent in February, so as to help individual businesses survive the "economic" crisis due to the sudden epidemic, which was highly thought of by netizens who agreed that "it is heart-warming and reassuring to do business in Zhengzhou!"


Vegetable basket


The small vegetable basket is closely related to people's livelihood. On the afternoon of February 20, in order to effectively safeguard and improve people's livelihood, and ensure that the citizens' consumer demand and the price of daily necessities are basically stable, Zhengzhou Municipal Government temporarily placed additional vegetable on the market, which was the second vegetable supply during the epidemic.




Photo: Wang Xiuqing

Since January 27 when the epidemic prevention and control began, in order to maintain market supply and price stability under the Mayor Responsibility System for "Vegetable Baskets" during the epidemic, Zhengzhou commerce sector has established a supervision and investigation working mechanism based on "one division, ten teams and nine areas", where supervisory staff supervise the implementation of various measures and investigate the market supply and price stability at the supermarkets in urban areas every day, which has guaranteed the sufficient, stable and orderly market supply and a smooth life of the citizens.


Ensure learning undisrupted when classes are disrupted


The epidemic offers a chance for teachers to be online anchors and students to have access to classes given by prestige teachers. In the face of the epidemic, Zhengzhou Education Bureau gives play to the telecommuting function of “Learning in Zhengzhou”, “Zhengzhou Basic Education Resources Public Service Platform”, and “Ding Ding Classroom in the Air” to help elementary and middle school students keep learning at home.




Photo: Wang Yipin

Society is the classroom, and life is where the education originates. In online classes, the epidemic becomes a living textbook for teachers to give the most convincing education in terms of life, belief, science and morality at the most appropriate time, allowing students to think deep about the knowledge they have learned, build confidence to overcome the epidemic, foster calmness in face of great events, and enhance thinking quality and patriotism.


The post-90s have grown up


Fei Jing, born in May 1992, is a nurse in the Gastroenterology Dept. of the Third People's Hospital of Zhengzhou. On her second day in Wuhan to assist Hubei against the epidemic, she had her long hair cut, preparing herself for entering the "square cabin" hospital.


Li Huankai, born in the 1990s, is a bus captain of the No.2 Zhengzhou Bus Communication Co., Ltd. He is one of the first volunteers on duty during the epidemic. He reported to duty earlier than usual every morning to perform disinfection and volunteered to serve at Zhengzhou East Railway Station after his own job.


Li Xudong, 25 years old, is an auxiliary police of the Fourth Squadron of the Sixth Traffic Police Brigade in Zhengzhou. During the epidemic, he has been sticking to his post at the Epidemic Prevention and Control Point at the entrance/exit of expressway.


Shao Qingqing, born in September 1990, is the head nurse of the Emergency Dept. of the People's Hospital of Zhengzhou, head of the infection control group of the fourth main group in the 5th Henan medical team assisting Hubei Province, and the "2019 Most Beautiful Nurse of Henan". She entered the "Square Cabin" Hospital during 14:00-20:00 on Feb. 25, dressed in the isolation gown writing "Henan, Zhong". Patients always thumbed up for this Henan nurse and praised, "zhong (great)!"

邵青青,1990年9月出生,郑州人民医院急诊科护士长,河南第五批支援湖北医疗队第四大组感控总组长,“2019年第五届河南最美护士”的当选者。2月15日14点至20点进入方舱,她在隔离服上写了大大的“河南 中”,很多患者见到她就竖起拇指为河南的医护人员点赞道:“中!”


The fifth "Henan medical team assisting Hubei" totaled 300 people, of which 106 are "post-90s" and the youngest was born in 1998. With their practical actions, they have proved that the young "post-90s" are capable of shouldering important mission and playing pioneers. In the "epidemic" test, "post-90s" on different posts made outstanding performance, receiving extensive praises on the Internet that "the post-90s generation has really grown up!"


Life continues


On February 11, 2020, after 17 consecutive days of fighting against the epidemic at the front line, Fan Shufeng suffered intracranial hemorrhage. At 12:36 on February 19, he died at the age of 39 after failing to be rescued. Fan Shufeng, a former Chinese special police, today's brave in fighting the epidemic and a “warm-hearted man” to residents in his jurisdiction, keeps his life forever in this spring.


"If I die, donate my organs so that more people can continue their lives," Fan Shufeng told his family before executing the task. The family honored his will and donated his organs for free.


"I have no regrets wearing the uniform in this life, and I still will be a policeman in the next life". That is what Fan Shufeng once said in his WeChat Moments. After the organ donation ceremony ended, many people extended their respect to the noble police officer in Moments: "Constable Fan, the cornea you left will definitely witness the coming of the spring you had fought for", "Heroes are immortal, because their spirits live forever. This is the best continuation of life".


Extension of tax declaration


In mid-February, Zhengzhou Taxation Bureau issued the Notice on Implementing Tax Support Policies to Ensure a Successful Epidemic Prevention and Control, introducing 8 specific measures to provide taxpayers with preferential tax policies and help enterprises resume work and production in an all-round way. Without going to the tax office, enterprises can declare dutiable goods and clear the billing data through "contactless tax service". The Notice also indicated that the deadline for tax declaration has been properly extended. These support policies are well received by enterprises.

郑州市税务局2月中旬印发了《关于落实税收支持政策 助力打赢疫情防控阻击战的通知》,出台8项具体措施,全方位保障纳税人享受税收优惠政策,助力企业复工复产。一时间,“非接触式办税”一次不用跑,“远程清卡”报税无忧,延长纳税申报期限,受到了企业一致好评。

Scenic areas are free to medical staff



At the time of the adversity, all the people are united as one. In mid-February, about 40 tourist areas in Zhengzhou collectively "gave their regards" to the medical staff who are fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. From the date of resumption to the end of 2020, these scenic spots will be free to medical workers across the country with a series of thoughtful services such as "green channel".

危难之时,万众一心。2月中旬,郑州约40家旅游景区集体向奋战在疫情防控一线的医护人员“告白”。这些景区将从恢复开放之日起至2020年底,对全国医务工作者实行免费开放政策 ,并提供“绿色通道”等一系列贴心服务。

Resume work and reach target output in an orderly way


A number of enterprises, such as Zhengzhou Yutong, Zhengzhou Swire Coca-Cola Beverage and Zhengzhou Foxconn, have successively resumed work and production with stringent epidemic prevention and control, which owes much to the effective measures taken by Zhengzhou to deal with the epidemic so as to ensure stable and sound economic development.


Recently, Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone issued the Policies for Supporting the Resumption of Work and Production of Enterprises (Projects), introducing ten incentive measures to boost the resumption of enterprises and help them reach target output as soon as possible. According to the Policies, for industrial and service enterprises above the designated size, they will receive a one-time bonus of 20,000 yuan if returning to work and production before Feb. 24, and a one-time bonus of 10,000 yuan if returning to work and production before Feb. 29. The industrial enterprises above the designated size which create business income in February reaching 60%, 80% and 100% comparing with the same period last year will be awarded 50,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan, respectively. For those making a revenue growth in the first quarter, they will receive a one-time bonus of 100,000 yuan, and a 200,000-yuan and 500,000-yuan reward will be accordingly granted to those with a growth exceeding 5% and 10%.



Chief Planner: Shi Dadong

Managing Editor: Xiong Vivi

Reporter: Wang Yipin

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