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A letter to all inbound travellers to Zhengzhou 给境外入郑人员的一封信

WhereZhengzhou2020-03-18 07:23:23

Dear friends, Over the past month or so, many countries, including China, have been plagued by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Viruses are the common enemy of mankind. It is our common obligation to maintain public health and safety and our shared wish to overcome the epidemic and restore normal production and life as soon as possible.Considering the severity and complexity of the COVID-19 epidemic across the world, in order to ensure the health of all personnel entering Zhengzhou (regardless of nationality), strengthen scientific and targeted epidemic prevention measures and prevent the relapse of the epidemic, we hope all Zhengzhou-bound friends will:

亲爱的朋友们: 在过去的一个多月里,包括中国在内的多个国家正遭受新冠肺炎疫情的困扰。病毒是人类共同的敌人,维护公共卫生安全是我们共同的义务,战胜疫情尽快恢复正常的生产生活秩序是我们共同的愿望。考虑到全球新冠疫情的严重性和复杂性,为了保护所有入郑人员(不分国籍)的健康和安全,加强科学有针对性的防疫措施,遏制疫情反弹,我们在此提醒所有从境外来郑返郑的朋友:

I. Coordinate with local epidemic prevention and control sectors in the epidemic prevention. You may follow "zzfabu (郑州发布)" and "wherezhengzhou" on WeChat for the latest information.

II. Report your trip, means of transportation and health status to the epidemic prevention and control department at your destination; report your travel/residence history and recent soc

ial contact information to the supervisory personnel after arriving at the airport/station; contact your family members and relatives in Zhengzhou in a timely manner, so that they can report your flight/vehicle/train number and other necessary information truthfully 48 hour in advance to the community and cooperate in the implementation of the home-quarantine measures.

III. Protect yourself. Try to avoid any crowded places, gatherings and group dining; wear a mask when going out; maintain good health habits; pay attention to your health status: if you have a fever, fatigue, dyspnea or other symptoms, please avoid contact with others and wear a mask correctly; if you feel unwell, please go to the designated hospital in time and inform the doctor of your travel and contact history truthfully.





Dear friends, the city's epidemic prevention and control departments of all kinds are implementing undifferentiated prevention and control measures for all Chinese and foreign friends who enter Zhengzhou in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. It is required by the epidemic prevention and is also essential to keep all of us healthy and safe. Strict protective measures are the most effective way to block the virus infection. We sincerely hope to have your cooperation and understanding for the inconvenience brought to you.Thank you for supporting the epidemic prevention and control of Zhengzhou, and please be free to leave comments and suggestions on our work. In case of any problem, please call the hotline of the public consultation department of Zhengzhou (County, District) Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control.


Although the epidemic is spreading worldwide, friendship goes beyond borders. During this particular period, we should maintain vigilance, work together and unite as one, so that we can win the ultimate victory.



WhereZhengzhou March 17, 2020



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