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Zhengzhou Notice 丨从郑州入境,隔离费用自理

WhereZhengzhou2020-03-31 07:58:48

On March 29, the COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of Henan Province issued a notification for entry epidemic prevention and control. According to the Notification, all inbound travelers who enter from Zhengzhou Port shall undergo centralized quarantine in Zhengzhou, and detailed quarantine & observation requirements are set out as well. See the bilingual version of the Notification below (English version provided by WhereZhengzhou).



Notification on Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Imported COVID-19 Cases

No. 3 Notification

To strengthen the pandemic prevention and control in Henan Province and to prevent the risk of imported cases, we hereby notify the related matters as below:

I. All inbound travelers via Zhengzhou Port shall undergo 14-day quarantine at the designated place in Zhengzhou, with all expenses for transfer, board and lodging thereby incurred borne by himself/herself. Inbound arrivals who are voluntary to pay for 2 nucleic acid tests and 1 serum antibody detection are allowed to be quarantined at the designated place for the first 7 days and then stay at home for the rest 7 days if the results show negative.

II. All inbound travelers via Zhengzhou Port shall truthfully report their health information and take body temperature, medical inspection, epidemiological investigation, medical screening and sampling inspection at the time of entry. The identified confirmed cases, suspected cases and cases with fever or respiratory symptom shall be sent to designated hospitals in Zhengzhou for treatment.

III. Among inbound travelers to Henan, the confirmed cases that are included in the Chinese health insurance system shall pay medical expenses in accordance with the regulations of basic medical insurance, critical illness insurance and medical assistance, and the portion borne by individuals will be reimbursed by the finance department. For the confirmed imported cases without Chinese health insurance, the medical expenses shall be borne by himself/herself in principle. The expenses incurred during hospitalization for observation shall be borne by themselves in principle; but those covered by the basic medical insurance can be reimbursed according to the regulations.

IV. Inbound travelers intending to enter Henan shall report his/her flight number, arrival time, port and other necessary information 48 hours in advance to the community (village) or local (city, county, district) pandemic prevention and control authority, personally or through his/her relatives, employer or reception unit.

V. Those who falsely report or fail to report the inbound arrival's information such as travel history, residence history and health condition shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law; those who refuse to cooperate in transfer, diagnosis and treatment, medical observation and centralized quarantine will be subject to forcible execution by the police according to law.

This Notification shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

The COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters of Henan Province

March 29, 2020

















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