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Zhengzhou International 出入相友,守望相助:郑州对外援助抗疫物资

郑州之窗2020-04-22 13:31:27


On April 17, Amiens of France has received assistance from Zhengzhou City. At his risk, amiens' deputy mayor, Pasquale Frederick has been sending Zhengzhou masks to hospitals in Amiens and surrounding towns. Zhengzhou's donation was reported on channel 3 of French television, Zhengzhou, once a strange name, is getting warmer and warmer in amiens.




On April 16 of local time, the city of Naples in Italy received a donation of epidemic prevention supplies from Zhengzhou, and a small donation ceremony has been hold. The related pictures has been released on Twitter.

当地时间4月16日, 意大利那不勒斯该市收到郑州市捐赠的防疫物资。那不勒斯市市长德玛吉思特里斯举行了简单的接收仪式,并将收捐赠物资的图片通过推特,通告当地媒体及市民。


Zhengzhou Release


Zhengzhou International 快来郑州人民公园赏菊,揽秋入怀!

Probably this is the first time you've seen chrysanthemums so closely.

Zhengzhou International 郑州跻身国家重要文化中心城市

The Report of 2020 National Central City Index was officially released in Zhengzhou on November 8. According to the report, Zhengzhou moved up 13 places in the "National Cultural Center" ranking, making it one of the country's major cultural centers an

Zhengzhou Vision


Spring in Zhengzhou 丨春到登封

When March comes,sun and spring also visit the earth hand in hand.All things revive, the branches turned to green, flowers bloom, as if the most beautiful season of the year had suddenly begun overnight.

What stands for Zhengzhou 丨来吧来吧,开启郑州美食密码

Lasting for five thousand years with Chinese civilization, cooking culture also has a long history.Zhengzhou cuisine has an unspoken culinary code among Zhengzhou people.