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Zhengzhou International 郑州黄河文化公园5月1日恢复开放

郑州之窗2020-04-26 13:14:48




The opening time is from 6:00 to 20:00. During the epidemic prevention and control period. Activities are only allowed in the outdoor areas in Zhengzhou Yellow River Cultural Park , while Zhengzhou Yellow River National Geological Museum unopen temporarily.

开放时间为早上06:00; 闭园时间为晚20:00。疫情防控期间,郑州黄河文化公园只开放室外区域,郑州黄河国家地质博物馆暂不开放。


The number of visitors during the May Day holiday is limited to 5000 per day. Ticket booking system is implemented, and all visitors need to book tickets online.




ticket price is RMB 48 yuan/ single person, and half price 24 yuan /single person.




Preferential measure:

① Seniors over 60 years or minors less than 140 cm in height, disabled persons, active servicemen, policeman and national fire and rescue personnel are free of charge with the ID card and relevant qualification certificates.

② Half price is available for teachers, minors under the age of 18 and full-time college and technical secondary school students.

③ From the opening day to December 31, 2020, the medical staffs can enter the park free of charge with valid certificates and professional qualifications.


① 60周岁以上的老年人、身高低于140厘米的未成年人、残疾人、现役军人、人民警察、国家消防救援人员等须凭本人身份证件及相关资格证件实行门票免费。

② 对人民教师、18周岁以下的未成年人以及全日制大中专学生实行门票半价。

③ 景区开园至2020年12月31日针对全国医务及医护工作人员凭本人有效证件及从业资格证可免费入园。


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