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Zhengzhou International 疣鼻天鹅爱上郑州 6只天鹅宝宝诞生啦

郑州晚报2020-05-19 08:12:20


Photo/ Ma Jian


External mute swans settled down in North Dargon Lake of Zhengdong New Area, and gave birth to 6 little swans.

外来天鹅安家龙湖 还生了6只小宝宝



A pair of mute swans migrated from somewhere to North Dargon Lake in January this year and never left again this January.Perhaps for the good water quality, open water and beautiful environment make them fall in love with it and decide to settle down here.




According to the normal migratory habits, they should leave Zhengzhou in February, but the pair of swans did not leave, and they also gave birth to seven eggs successively in March. After 35 days of incubation, on May 10, 6 baby swans hatched. The six baby swans are native wild "swan" of Zhengzhou. The little cuteness grows very fast, in recent days, who has been carried into the water by the parents to learn to survive.




As soon as they appeared, photography enthusiasts are so excited that they wait for take pictures for the little swans. the news that the little swans has born spread across the Internet with appealing photoes.




Source: Zhengzhou Evening

Repoter : Ma Jian

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