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Zhengzhou International 中国最忙碌十大城市排名第二 国际郑在忙啥?

郑州之窗2020-07-13 08:09:38


Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou, Xi 'an, Hohhot, Xining, Guangzhou, Harbin, Urumqi, Nanjing and Yinchuan are the top 10 busiest cities in China, according to the China Economic Life Survey by CCTV Financial Channel.



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When it refers to citizens’ leisure time in the 10 cities, which can be found that they are all below the national average, with Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou and Xi 'an in the top three.


As the second most busy city in China, Zhengzhou has its hands full in 2019. What's zhengzhou up to?





So many tourists travel to Zhengzhou ! In 2019, The tourism revenue of Zhengzhou reached RMB 159.86 billion yuan, up 15.2% over the previous year.The number of tourists to Zheng increased by 14.5%;Among them, the number of international tourists reached 554,000, 5% up over the previous year .The number of domestic tourists reached 13.04 million, 14.5 % up compared with the last year.



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The number of listed companies in Zhengzhou is increased! In 2019, four new listed companies appeared in Zhengzhou .By the end of 2019, There are 46 domestic and foreign listed companies and 178 new 3 board listed companies in Zhengzhou, raising 62.9 billion yuan in the new capital market.



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Zhengzhou residents' income has increased! The per capita disposable personal income was RMB 35,942 yuan, an increase of 8.6 percent over the previous year.Of this, urban per capita disposable income was RMB 42,087 yuan, 7.8% up ;Per capita consumption expenditure was RMB 27,290 yuan, 3.9% up.The per capita disposable income of rural residents was RMB 23,536 yuan, up 8.7%;Per capita consumption expenditure was RMB 16,876 yuan, 11.7% up.The annual consumer price index for urban households rose by 3.1%.



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More Zhengzhou residents are buying cars!At the end of the year, the number of civilian carowners reached RMB 3.856 million, an increase of 10.9% over the previous year.Among them, individuals owned 3.499 million vehicles,10.8% up. Among car ownership, RMB 2.193 million cars were owned, up by 10.5%.Among them, personal ownership totaled RMB 2.053 million, 10.2% up.





Zhengzhou is more attractive as a city!At the end of the year, the city's permanent residents numbered 10.352,000, an increase of 216,000 or 2.1% over the previous year.Among them, urban population was 7.721 million, with an urbanization rate of 74.6%, an increase of 1.2% over the previous year.





Song Xiangqing, vice President of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University and director of the Industrial Economy Research Center, said --

In recent years, the pace of urban development and the speed of economic and social operation have been accelerated in Zhengzhou, which also confirmed the significant results have been achieved on Human resources and investment. Zhengzhou people are not unhappy because of busy life, they gain more opportunities,more income and achievements on the contrary.




摄影/马健 丁友明 王秀清

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