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Zhengzhou International 豫夜豫美丽!河南8项举措发展夜经济

郑州之窗2020-08-17 08:49:56


The Development and Reform Commission of Henan Province recently issued the Guidance on Promoting the Development of Night Economy, encouraging all regions to develop night economy and boost consumption growth in the province.


According to the Guidelines, Henan Province will focus on cities and towns and cultivate a number of demonstration areas for night consumption with the themes of sightseeing and recreation, cultural experience, sports and fitness, featured catering and fashion shopping, night food, night shopping, night travel and night health, etc., with strong driving power.




1. To make a overall plan for the development of night economy, which includes integrating the development of night economy into the land space planning and block renovation and upgrading plan, designating key areas and main blocks for the development of night economy, and striving to build several regional night consumption central cities and 2 to 3 national night culture and travel consumption agglomeration areas in the province by 2022.

统筹做好夜经济发展布局 包括将推动夜经济发展纳入国土空间规划和街区改造提升计划,划定发展夜经济重点区域和主要街区,力争到2022年,全省建设若干个区域性夜间消费中心城市和2~3个国家级夜间文旅消费集聚区。



2. Promoting the consumption of midnight snacks. Including the cultivation of a number of specialty food and beverage brands and night food and beverage consumption blocks, encourage the introduction of domestic and foreign brand restaurants, well-known bars, and the development of a number of "late dining hall."Organize and hold various kinds of beer festivals, food festivals, snack festivals and other activities, and cultivate 1 ~ 3 characteristic food and beverage consumption blocks at night.

繁荣发展夜间餐饮消费 包括培育一批特色餐饮品牌和夜间特色餐饮消费街区,鼓励引进国内外品牌餐厅、知名酒吧等,发展一批“深夜食堂”。组织举办各类啤酒节、美食节、小吃节等活动,培育1~3个夜间特色餐饮消费街区。



3. Promoting the consumption of night cultural travel. Encourage qualified tourist attractions to carry out night tour services while ensuring safety and avoiding disturbing the residents, and introduce evening featured leisure and entertainment items and night tour quality routes. We will encourage the construction of 24-hour bookstores. Build a consumption gathering area for night cultural travel. Promote each city and qualified county (city, district) to cultivate and form 1 or 2 night cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas with strong radiation driving ability.

繁荣发展夜间文旅消费 鼓励有条件的旅游景区在保证安全、避免扰民的情况下开展夜间游览服务,推出夜晚特色休闲娱乐项目和夜游精品线路。鼓励建设24小时书店。建设夜间文旅消费集聚区。推动各市及具备条件的县(市、区)培育形成1~2个具有较强辐射带动能力的夜间文旅消费集聚区。



4.Developping evening consumption demonstration areas. The government will integrate the three consumption formats with the greatest consumption potential, namely catering, shopping and culture and entertainment, and create a number of night consumption gathering areas with obvious agglomeration effect and demonstration effect. By 2022, the province will cultivate more than 200 night consumption demonstration gathering areas of various types.

培育夜间消费示范聚集区 整合餐饮、购物、文化娱乐3个最具消费潜力的消费业态,打造一批集聚效应明显、示范效应显著的夜间消费聚集区,到2022年,全省要培育200个以上各类夜间消费示范聚集区。



5.  Boosting consumption of night sports.The government will encourage large shopping malls, supermarkets and wholesale markets to extend their business hours, and support the construction of night shopping blocks and 24-hour convenience stores. Carry out night promotion and discount activities to enrich the night shopping experience.

繁荣夜间购物消费 鼓励大型商场、超市、批发市场延长营业时间,支持建设夜间购物街区和布局24小时便利店。开展夜间推广、打折让利活动,丰富夜间购物体验。



6. Boosting consumption of night sports and fitness includes developing a number of sports and fitness service complexes with economies of scale and market influence, encouraging sports and fitness facilities to extend their business hours, guiding and encouraging mass sports and fitness activities at night, and encouraging public sports and fitness facilities to be open 24 hours a day

繁荣夜间体育健身消费 包括发展一批具有规模效益和市场影响力的体育健身服务综合体,鼓励体育健身设施延长营业时间,引导和鼓励开展夜间群众体育健身活动,鼓励公共体育健身设施24小时开放。



7.Consumptions at night will be accelerated,and also the government will speed up the construction and digital transformation of smart terminal facilities in major business districts, traditional food streets, night market blocks and other places, and turn nighttime consumption gathering areas into intelligent integrated consumption experience areas.

丰富夜间消费特色 包括优化文化旅游演艺项目,提升夜间消费供给品质,打造文化创意与科技融合的文化娱乐项目,鼓励各市县培育本地特色消费等。



8. promoting digital upgrading of nighttime consumption. The government will speed up the construction and digital transformation of smart terminal facilities in major business districts, traditional food streets, night market blocks and other places, and turn nighttime consumption gathering areas into intelligent integrated consumption experience areas. At the same time, the government will encourage the development of non-direct consumption experiences such as live consumption at night and cloud tour, and give full play to the promotion and drainage functions of emerging industries such as online consumption and live streaming of goods.

推动夜间消费数字化升级 加快各大商圈、传统美食街、夜市街区等场所智能终端设施建设和数字化改造,将夜间聚集消费区打造成为智能一体化消费体验区。鼓励开展夜间消费直播、云游览等非直接接触消费体验,发挥在线消费、直播带货等新兴产业的促销引流功能。




记者 马健 图 侯爱敏 文



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