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Zhengzhou Energy 丨郑州这家人的坚持: 义务献血22年、660次!

郑州之窗2020-12-01 11:21:28



Over the past 22 years, according to the time interval requirements of whole blood donation and platelets donation, Yang Yujun's family have blood donation about 660 times, including 11,400 ml of whole blood, and 1215 therapeutic platelets, which is equivalent to the whole blood volume of dozens of adults.


The family living in Zhengzhou, Henan province, responded to the call of blood donation with actions and made this small matter become brilliant with persistence.


For Yang Yujun, he started donating blood because of the introduction of the voluntary blood donation system. On October 1st of 1998, the Blood Donation Law of the People's Republic of China was implemented, and the system of blood donation without compensation began to be implemented in China. Yang Yujun, then 36, decided to start donating blood when he heard the news.


Yang Yujun said: "The system of voluntary blood donation means that blood can only be donated by volunteers. If nobody donates blood and when it is time to use blood, where will the blood come from?" Since then, every six months Yang has offered 400ml of his entire blood which have lasted for nearly a decade.


In 2007, Yang decided to start donating platelets after learning that component blood was more scarce than whole blood. At first, hw donate platelets every 28 days and then twice-weekly as the rules were changed, which has became a part of his life.





For his 22 years of persistence,the family is a must. Yang's wife, Yang Jianxia, has been accompanying him to donate blood. When Yang Chen was 10 years old, he followed his parents to the scene of voluntary blood donation. In 2006, when he turned 18, Yang Chen joined the ranks of non-remunerate blood donors. Now, he has been donating blood for 14 years.


Since 1998, Yang Yujun has donated blood 283 times, Yang Jianxia 239 times and his son Yang Chen 138 times."Donating blood is a simple thing that we've been repeating for 22 years."Yang yujun said.


When the Henan Red Cross Voluntary Blood Donation Team was established in 2011, Yang Yujun, after being laid off, began to devote himself to volunteer work.In 9 years, Yang yujun has served more than 10,000 hours.


"People in our service team admire him for his persistence in donating blood for so many years and have been learning from him." "It's not hard to do something, but it's hard to do it for a lifetime," said volunteer Wang Yanxia.


Yang Yujun said: "Persistence is a meaningful thing."

杨予军说:“坚持就是有意义的事。”(新华社记者 刘高阳)

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