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Zhengzhou International 2020中国宜居宜业城市榜发布 郑州成功入选

郑州之窗2020-12-02 08:07:07

Zhengzhou has been namedone of China's best cities to live and work in 2020, according to a new ranking. The city Xinxiang, Pingdingshan, Nanyang, Luohe of Henan Province are also on the list..


Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Tianjin, the four cities directly under the central government, all made on the list. There are 15 sub-provincial cities in China, 12 of which are on the list, as well as 28 provincial capitals, 18 are on the list, and 293 prefecture-level cities in China, 58 are on the list. There are 387 county-level cities in China, 9 of which are on the list.



▲树木园 李新华 摄影

The successful selection of Zhengzhou as a livable and professional city is closely related to the rapid development and improvement of urban construction in Zhengzhou. In recent years, With the rapid and steady development of urban construction , Zhengzhou has brought more and more convenient and comfortable living experience to its citizens.


The first phase of Zhengzhou Metro Line 3 has been successfully completed on November 29th and will be put into operation before the end of the year. At the same time,the main struture of Zhengzhou Metro Line 10 railway station has been successfully capped. Zhengzhou has formed an integrated urban public transport system with rail transit and bus rapid transit as the backbone, conventional public transport as the main body and slow traffic as the extension.


The business environment is an important soft power and core competitiveness of a region and a city, while the government environment is an important indicator and key support for the business environment. The business environment of the city has been continuously optimized. The government services are "not closed on weekends", and more and more items have been implemented as "one card and simple operation" and "handheld operation", ranking first in the evaluation of business environment of Henan Province in 2019.


After its economic aggregate exceeded one trillion yuan in 2018, Zhengzhou's economic strength continued to climb in 2019. In that year, Zhengzhou's regional GDP accounted for 21.4% of the whole province. Zhengzhou's economic aggregate ranked first in China, ranking 15th in China. The annual general public budget revenue accounted for 30% of the province's total retail sales of consumer goods, accounting for more than 20% of the whole province; Imports and exports accounted for more than 70% of the whole province. Per capita disposable income rose by 8.6%.

继2018年经济总量破万亿后,2019年郑州经济实力继续攀升,当年全市地区生产总值占全省的21.4%,经济总量全国排名前移一位,居全国城市第15位。全年一般公共预算收入,占到全省三成,社会消费品零售总额完,占全省比重超过两成;进出口总额占全省比重超七成。居民人均可支配收入增长8.6%。(记者 侯爱敏)


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