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Zhengzhou Transportation 丨开通倒计时!郑州地铁3号线即将投入初期运营

郑州之窗2020-12-10 09:43:17



Zhengzhou Metro Line 3   


The first-stage no-load trial operation of Zhengzhou Metro Line 3 has end its 91-day running and it is about to put into the initial operation.



The first stage of Metro Line 3 will start no-load trial operation from September 8, and will be divided into three stages. The first phase (September 8 to October 7)has completed the verification of system functions and the applicability of system standards. The second stage ( October 8 to November 6)has completed the system linkage function test and drill; The third stage (November 7 to December 7)has organized the trial operation of "running chart".



By December 7, the first stage of Line 3 had been running for 91 days, and the main line had been running about 222,762 kilometers.



After the trial operation, the first phase of Line 3 will carry out the final safety test and system debugging of the train, and the train will be operated in the early stage of society after passing the safety review.

试运行结束后,3号线一期工程将对列车进行最后的安全检测、系统调试,待安全评审通过后面向社会初期运营。(记者 张倩 通讯员 周静雯 文/图)


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