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Zhengzhou International 待到明年春风至 嵩岳大地绿如画

郑州之窗2020-12-11 08:28:45




The sunny days in winter are so wonderful that planting trees is at at the right time. On the morning of December 6, Dengfeng City organized a voluntary tree-planting activity in the winter of 2020 at Chenjiamen voluntary tree-planting base.



Wielding the spade shovels, covering the saplings with soil and carrying water to them,in about two hours, more than 1500 plants of Chinese pine, cotinus and leucus were planted by the volunteers, covering an area of about 10 mu.On the same day, more than 1,100 people took part in the winter voluntary tree-planting activities in Dengfeng by means of county and township cooperation, planting more than 26150 seedlings such as cybus, red maple, giant redbud, ginkgo and horse chestnut, covering an area of about 350 mu.



During the thirteenth Five-Year Plan,an additional 110,000 mu of afforestation area was planted.The forestry investment reached 570 million yuan in the cultivation and renovation of 52,500 mu of forest. By 2020, the forest area will be 825,000 mu, with a forest coverage rate of 45 percent and a forest stock volume of 2 million cubic meters. Wetlands covering an area of 1567.05 hectares, and biodiversity is effectively protected.The construction of 13 ecological corridors is 153.85 kilometers, equivalent to a green area of 8.034 million square meters.A total of 2.7789 million people participated in voluntary tree planting, planting more than 15.8 million trees.


记者 袁建龙 登封融媒记者 杜帅武 崔帅 通讯员 任光辉

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