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Zhengzhou Tourism 郑州旅游电子年卡在微信上线试运行

郑州之窗2020-12-17 08:53:19

photo/ Ma Jian


Yesterday the Zhengzhou Travel Electronic Annual Card was launched by the Year Card Management Office of Municipal was runing on the test on Wechat, providing a convenient way for citizens to apply for the annual card.



Zhengzhou Tourism Year card has attracted much attention since it was issued at the end of October 2016.With 100 yuan purchase, citizens can visit more than 30 annual card scenic spots and preferential cooperation scenic spots, including Forta of Central Plains, Kangbaiwan Manor and Gubaidufei Yellow Resort.As a project of Zhengzhou city· cultural travel service on line, Zhengzhou Travel Electronic Annual Card was launched on Alipay and "Zheng Hao Ban" APP in August this year, and was launched on WeChat yesterday.



It is known that people can use mobile phone to find the " Zhengzhou Kaifeng Travel" or "Zhengzhou Tourism Year Card" public WeChat ,where provides online query, opening, purchase and renewal of Zhengzhou tourism year card, scenic spot query, official information of Zhengzhou tourism year card, etc.

据了解,市民可用手机登录“郑开文旅”微信或“郑州市旅游年卡”微信公众号。微信提供郑州旅游年卡的在线查询、开通、购买及续费,景区查询,郑州旅游年卡官方资讯等。(记者 成燕)


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