Zhengzhou Discovery 在郑发现中国目前最早丝绸
Where is the origin of Chinese silk? Yellow River culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. Zhengzhou is an important city along the silk road economic belt. In Zhengzhou, the hinterland of Chinese civilization, the earliest silk in China was discovered.

考古工作人员在处理发现的丝织品 李焱 图
Archaeological excavations at the site of Yangshao culture in Zhengzhou could date back to about 5500 years ago, and silk found here was 1500 years earlier than that in Qianshanyang site of Liangzhu culture.
Gu wanfa, director of Zhengzhou City Cultural Relic Institute, told reporters that combined with the latest archaeological findings of the Yangshao period, we can consider that the origin of Chinese silk is likely in the Yellow emperor's time, and the source of silk is in Zhengzhou.
荥阳汪沟遗址 出土的碳化丝织品
Silk protein may have appeared in China during the period of Peiligang culture, and the appearance of the pointed bottom bottles and some jars unearthed in the site of Yangshao culture are decorated with wire lines. Besides, some of the utensils are found with cloth vestige at the bottom, indicating that the original textile technology was relatively developed in the middle neolithic age or even earlier.