Sunrise and sundown, Zhengzhou still gorgeous
Looking through the lens, you can see the pattern of a city.
Living in this city, we are used to the side streets around us. When we change a strange Angle, the bustling city into the fundus, suddenly found that Zhengzhou is not the memory of Zhengzhou.
In this huge city, people are coming and going every day, meeting and saying goodbye every minute. Until a moment you really calm down, you will find Zhengzhou has been so beautiful.
Have a look at Zhengzhou in winter, please pay attention to every sunrise and sunset. Let beauty and affection remain in your heart through good times and bad.
A city is just like life. There is no smooth sailing or constant change. There is only faith and constant pace.
The development of a city is a process of struggle. The historical picture of a city records the traces of people's struggle.
Zhengzhou, a city carrying dreams.
摄影:马健 李新华