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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Motivate Fresh Energy( "双创'' 激发郑州发展新活力)

Zhongyuan Network2017-11-20 17:31:38

  Innovation is the first power leading the development, and Zhengzhou has always been filled with a strong atmosphere of innovation.


  On November 17, "large-scale optical storage project" settled in Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone. The entry of this project will further perfect the big data industry of Zhengzhou Airport Economic Zone, and complete the most-needed manufacturing as well as R & D section, finally realizing the complete closure of the big data industry chain in the region and contributing to the balanced development of the entire industrial system.

  11月17日, “大型光存储综合项目”落户郑州航空港。这一项目的进驻,将进一步完善郑州航空港区的大数据产业版图,补齐最紧缺的制造和研发板块,最终实现区域大数据产业链闭环体系的完整,有助于整个产业体系均衡发展。

  From this year, Zhengzhou will set the 2017 "Zhengzhou Entrepreneurship Collection" International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition as the normal mechanism. The competition lasts for one year, and awards are set monthly from which the winners could win 50,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan. There are two opportunities in annual finals. Generous bonuses are set up to create an international entrepreneurship event platform belongs to "Zhengzhou brand".


  In the past 6 months, more than a hundred projects have entered the competition . These projects are from Beijing, Hubei, Shaanxi and other provinces and cities, covering six major industries as follows, the internet and mobile internet, electronic technology, biology and life science & technology, advanced manufacturing, materials and energy, and last one cultural heritage. This competition acts as a go-between for quality innovation and entrepreneurship projects landing in Zhengzhou.


  On August 26, in the first Creative Space of Henan -- UFO Creative Space, young Creators are busy with their dream career one after another. As long as there is a work position, there is a young man to start a business. When faced with entrepreneurial bottlenecks, there are entrepreneurial mentors who will provide on-site guidance for you and help you dispel doubts ; for legal issues, there are lawyers to provide you with a variety of legal aids and consulting service … this is the fascination of business incubator.


  Then, in order to make up for the shortage of high-end R & D resources, Zhengzhou is planning to build the "Yellow River Valley of Innovation" with a total area of ​​30 square kilometers. In accordance with the functions of high-end research and development, entrepreneurship incubation, talent pooling, achievement transformation, industrial breeding, science and technology finance, headquarters base, etc., functional areas are formed to form an innovative area with seven functions all rolled into one to build it into an agglomeration area and innovation highland.



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