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Talents in Zhengzhou—Dr. Wang Meiyun: I love China (高端人才在郑州之哈佛医学博士王梅云:我有一颗许国心)

Zhongyuan Network2017-11-21 18:05:13

  Goethe said: "The eternal woman leads us to ascend." In the different types of beauty that human can feel, the beauty of women is unique to mankind. In Zhengzhou, there are a herd of such women who are beautiful with elegant temperament, excellent knowledge, profound connotation and independent personality. On the one hand, they are filial daughters, virtuous wives, gentle mothers; on the other hand, they are smart elites with superior ability. They are the pride of Zhengzhou, the pride of women. Wang Meiyun, is one of them.

  歌德说:“永恒之女性,引导我们上升。” 在人类所能感知的美中,女性之美是独一无二的。在郑州,有这样一些女性,她们不仅拥有美丽的容貌,更有优雅的气质,卓越的学识,深厚的内涵,独立的人格。她们是孝顺的女儿,贤良的妻子,温柔的母亲,也是能力超群、精明干练的职场精英。她们是郑州的骄傲,更是女性的骄傲。王梅云,就是其中一位。


 Wang Meiyun   

Work unit: Henan Provincial People's Hospital   

      In 2008, she was returned to China from Harvard University as an outstanding overseas talent and came to work in the imaging department of Henan Provincial People's Hospital. Currently, she serves as director of imaging department of Henan Provincial People's Hospital and director of Henan Medical Imaging Center, leading a team of 200 plus elites.


  The spouse of Wang is a Ph.D. on computer science. When Wang Meiyun applied for a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, he also found a job in the United States. When a domestic unit sends an invitation, the couple has another choice to stay in American easily. At that time, this couple are going to have children. However, with deep love for their hometown, the couple resolutely gave up the favorable treatment abroad and the possibility of getting the American citizenship for their children. They decided to return and make a contribution for their hometown.


  Wang Meiyun comes from Nanyang, Henan Province. "My husband was born in Zhengzhou. He has a deep feeling for his hometown. He said at the time:" it is not so important that whether we get the green card or not. " As a result, the couple returned to their hometown, Henan.


  As a collection of CT, MRI, X-ray, catheter and other equipment, all of the imaging examinations should be completed in imaging center. It is the hub of the hospital, the crucial link in the course of medical treatment. So the importance of imaging center can be imagined.


  Wang Meiyun and her colleagues are working together

  Wang Meiyun is the first certified lecturer of the ISMRM, on of the first batch of Chinese instructor trainers of the American College of Radiology, and the visiting professor of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. At the same time, she is also a committee member of the ISMRM, a member of the MR Value Initiative Committee, the vice chairwoman of ISMRM China Region and a member of the ISMRM Women's Committee. Behind these titles, one can image how hard she works.

  王梅云是国内首位国际磁共振学会认证讲师,美国放射学院首批中国影像讲师培训人员,美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院访问教授。她同时还是国际医学磁共振学会(ISMRM)程序委员会委员、MR Value Initiative委员会委员、ISMRM中国区副主席、ISMRM女子委员会委员等。这一长串辉煌的头衔背后,她付出的努力可想而知。

       On November 23, a grand event of global talents will be held in Zhengzhou. Wang Meiyun also invited the world's elites: "Zhengzhou is under the construction of national central city, highlighting its important position and development potential. Provincial and municipal governments have attached great importance to talents. As they cherish talents very much, it makes me stand firmly and development my work smoothly when I come back. Our discipline has become the key specialist construction unit of the national clinical, since good platform and policies are provided here.



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