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Pebbles Become Artworks 丨郑州大学生石头上作画 废石秒变艺术品

Zhongyuan NetworkQiao Yuanyuan2017-11-30 16:30:07

  In addition to paving, what can we use stone to do? Recently, several freshmen in Zhengzhou were whimsical. They picked up more than 200 pebbles outside the campus, and then painted on the stone. It took a week's time to change the pebbles into of artworks.

  石头除了用来铺路还能干什么? 近日,郑州几位大一学生突发奇想,在校园外捡来200多块鹅卵石,然后在石头上作画,共耗时一周的时间,让一块块废石头瞬间成为了艺术品。

  According to the students, these stones can be found both inside and outside the campus. They picked out some carefully, and painted the background color at first. After the stones were dried, they penciled different shapes on them patiently. Step by step, a small world was built.


  From the cartoon character Sponge Bob, Patrick Star to Beijing Opera masks, and then to the mountain hut, a variety of landscapes ... after their ingenuity expression, every small stone reinvigorates its life.

  The imaginative expressions are from class 2 Grade 17 of Environmental Design Class in the Huanghe S&T University. They took a week to draw more than 200 pieces of stone works; however, it took two hours for a stone sometimes.



      hand-painted pebbles


  Su Di said, after the works were finished, they would sold the stones on the campus at the lowest price, and the incomes would be donated to the children in poverty- stricken areas. 


stones with different styles 


 stones could sing songs

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