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2018 Happy New-year 丨文化跨年夜 出彩郑州人

Zhongyuan NetworkQiao Yuanyuan2017-12-27 15:46:57

  In the evening of 31st December, 2017, multitudinous activities would be held in several parallel sessions like Zhengzhou library, Zhengzhou convention and exhibition center, Ruyi Lake Square and so on in the mean time.


  On the afternoon of December 22, the press conference of “New Year's Eve- Brilliant Zhengzhou People” was held in the Press Conference Hall of People's Government of Zhengzhou Municipality located in Cultural Industry Building

  12月22号下午,“文化跨年夜 出彩郑州人”跨年活动新闻发布会在文化产业大厦郑州市人民政府新闻发布厅举行。



  Wang Yanli, Deputy Minister of Publicity Department and Jiao Xiaojun, Chief director of “New Year's Eve- Brilliant Zhengzhou People” attended the conference.

  Steven Shi, Deputy Minister of Publicity Department and news spokeman acted as the presenter in the conference.

  郑州市委宣传部副部长王丽艳,“文化跨年夜 出彩郑州人”总导演焦晓军出席发布会并通报活动情况。发布会由郑州市委宣传部副部长、郑州市新闻发言人石大东主持。

  Zhengzhou held New Year's Eve activities yearly, compared to previous years, this year's activities are more exciting. This theme event will present us a New Year’s Eve with high quality, unforgettable emotion and international style.




  The eye-dazzling lightening show at 12 in the midnight would show “Great Zhengzhou” Happy New Year” and countdown numbers . Besides, all those present would chant Ode to the Motherland . At this exciting moment, it’s hard to feel the atmosphere when one is absent.


  It is reported that free admission tickets of these activities will be issued.


  Tickets are divided into three kinds about reading, hip-hop and music, and these tickets would be paste in the clothing in the form of fluorescent as an entrance admission.


  One can get the ticket from Zhengzhou Radio 5 and its WeChat platform. First come, first served.




  In order to cooperate with the New Year's Eve activities on the evening of December 31, all buses, subways and other public transportation in Zhengzhou will be delayed till 1 am; stores in the surrounding areas will be delayed until no customers. All lights in Zhengdong New District will be open to the largest range to facilitate the public.

  为配合12月31日晚的跨年夜活动,郑州市所有的公交车、地铁等公共交通工具都会延时到凌晨一点; 活动周边区域的商店也会延时营业,一直到自然闭店;东区范围内所有的灯光都会最大范围的全区域开放,以方便市民。


    Details of the event


  Time : 20:30 of Dec.31st to 00:30 of Jan.1st


  1. Reading Night

  With the theme of "Reading Books in Elegant Zhengzhou", we will invite local celebrities, writers of radio stations and other cultural celebrities to participate.

  Location: Zhengzhou Library


  以“全民阅读 书香郑州”为主题,邀请本土作家、电台主持人等文化名人参与其中。



  2. Music Night

  Taking live performance of Pop as core, it interpret the fashion trendy and highlights the urban style.

  Location: Stage of Ruyi Lake in Zhengdong District .





  3. Hip-hop Night

  Taking the cultural highlights hip-hop as an element of Zhengzhou, let us step out the passion and release youthful vitality.

  Location: Convention Center





  4. Pipe Music Performance

  With the elegant display of popular music as a motivation, the performance integrates the international vocabulary and reflects the metropolitan style.

  Location: Ruyi Lake Square in Zhengdong New District





  5. Non-heritage Items Exhibition

  The main contents are the city's major non-heritage projects. Let’s get through the thick history and fly our new dreams.

  Location: Ruyi Lake Square in Zhengdong New District





  6. Lighting Show at Zero o’ clock

  The Millennium Square (Big Corn) would be lighten entirely with the main building of JW Marriott Hotel as a carrier when zero o’ clock. Let’s bloom our passion and fly our dreams.

  Location: JW Marriott (Big Corn)





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