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New Habit of Zhengzhou People丨扫码付款成郑州人生活新习惯

Zhongyuan Network2018-01-11 16:20:52



      With the popularization of mobile payment, consumers in Zhengzhou quietly changed their payment method: going out without a wallet became a new habit of living for Zhengzhou people according to the statistics released by Alipay in 2017.



  The bill shows that in 2017, mobile payment of Alipay users in Zhengzhou accounted for 91%, which means an increase of 12.4 percentage points compared with last year's 78.6%. With the launch of code for collection of money and code for riding a bus or subway as well as riding shared bikes by scanning QR Code …… one can go out with one’s phone only, and scanning the QR code to pay has become “New Normal”.




  The bill shows that mobile payment in Zhengzhou in 2017 accounted for 91%, with year-on-year growth of 12.4 percentage points, exceeding the national average of 9 percentage points. One of the reasons for the soaring proportion of mobile payment is the popularity of code for collection of money by Alipay. In Zhengzhou, about 89,000 small shops have applied for the code for collection of money.

  该账单显示, 2017年郑州市移动支付占比为91%,同比增长12.4个百分点,超出全国平均水平9个百分点。移动支付占比飙升的原因之一是支付宝收钱码的普及。在郑州,已有89万小商家申领收钱码。



  Zhengzhou is the first city where passengers could buy a ticket through scanning the QR code in the central region of China. At present, Zhengzhou bus, subway, expressway toll stations have gradually supported Alipay payment, Zhengzhou citizens with only a cell phone can go out.




  In 2017, the number of Zhengzhou people visiting “City Service” in the app of Alipay has an increase of 144% compared to the previous year. The top three most popular services are paying the penalty for traffic violation, query of motor vehicle violations and social security services.


  Outbound tourism becomes more popular in Zhengzhou this year: outbound travel users have increased by 182% over the previous year with the number of payments increased by 310%.



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