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Meat is a must in winter 滋养身体,愉悦心灵 它们帮你在郑州度过寒冬

Where Zhengzhou2019-12-23 08:01:28

In the Chinese winter diet, you can always see various kinds of meat to nourish the stomach.




Photo:Ma Jian

It has been reported in the Science that the brain releases dopamine twice after eating. The first time is when food enters the mouth, which reflects people's thirst for food. The second time is during digestion, which should be related to satiety. Interestingly, dopamine becomes more active when people are protein hungry.


It seems that whether it is to nourish the body or to please the mind, it is always good to eat some meat. Especially in winter, you can put the burden of getting fat behind and embrace the meat that makes you glow.


Meatball 丸子

Chubby meat 谦逊随和的肉肉





Photo:Ma Jian

You can see all kinds of meatballs everywhere in Zhengzhou, such as steaming meatball soup, tender fried meatballs with a crispy crust, delicious and chewy beef balls, and fragrant four-joy Chinese meatballs.


Small meatballs may seem ordinary, but they have a long history. It is said that its "ancestor" is the “Tiao Wan Zhi” recorded in the On Food in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. During the Sui dynasty, it was named "Kui Hua Zhan Rou" (minced meat shaped like sunflower) by the imperial chef and presented to Emperor Yang. During the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed "Lion's Head" by the Lord of Xun for its appearance as "lion's head". The lion's head was two or three times bigger than today's small meatballs, and served with soup at the bottom of a bowl, domineering and powerful.


Whether it's a small, homely meatball or a lion's head that still sits on Chinese dinner tables today, there must be something special about them. Some people say that meatball is the most personalized food. Although soft and glutinous, it still retains its shape, and never loses its tenacity no matter how things change. Others say that meatball is the most humble and easygoing food. Never fighting with others, it has sailed through a thousand years, and can serve both imperial officials and ordinary people.


No wonder Zhengzhou people love to eat meatballs. Whether it is on a busy snack street, or a festive New Year's Eve dinner, there are always meatballs. Is it because its personality is somewhat similar to Zhengzhou people?


Crispy meat 酥肉

Eat it once, love it for good 一次就深深爱上的肉肉



Photo:Ma Jian、Zhao Jianhao

One of the Henan's top 10 classic dishes is “fried purple crispy meat”. The main ingredient of this dish is rib, which is boiled, marinated, steamed and fried repeatedly. It is brownish yellow in color, bright in luster, tender with a crispy crust, fat but not greasy. It can be served with scallion and sweet bean sauce for better taste. The dish is said to have originated in the Ming dynasty, which tastes crisp in the way similar to roast duck. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a chef in Henan presented Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu with purple crispy meat instead of grilled meat, which was thought highly of by both of them. Since then, it has been compared favorably with roast duck and become a traditional famous dish of Henan cuisine.


Almost every family in Henan knows how to fry crisp meat. In the oil pot, the meat was turning golden brown and rolling merrily, while children huddled around waiting for the freshly fried crispy meat, which is probably a childhood memory of many Zhengzhou people.


Nowadays, crispy meat is often served in the "eight dishes" of wedding banquet. Sometimes it becomes a side dish in hot pot, or it can be a snack that is fried on the street.


Quick-fried, hot and fragrant, fried crispy meat has long been "seen everywhere" in Zhengzhou. Eat it hot within 3 minutes after cooking, appetizing and crispy, and you’ll love it once and for all.


Sausage 香肠

Meat with local flavor 有家乡味儿的肉肉



Photo:Ma Jian

As winter comes, animals always stock up on food in preparation for the long cold winter. People in Zhengzhou have a similar habit, but instead of hoarding food for hunger, they stock up on specialty meats, such as sausages, to satisfy their appetites.


By means of ancient techniques of food production and meat preservation, sausage is a kind of food in the shape of a cylindrical tube made by mincing the meat of animals into strips, mixing the flavor and then stuffing it into casings. With a long history, Chinese sausages come in a variety of flavors, sweet in Guangzhou, spicy in Chengdu and mostly soy sauced in Zhengzhou.


Zhengzhou people like to make their own sausage during the coldest days of the year. From ingredients to meat, it can be prepared to suit your own tastes. Then it is dried for ten or twenty days and can be kept until the Spring Festival. To be honest, home-made sausages taste warmer and have more flavor of home.


Braised meat 卤肉

Meat making people happy 能吃出幸福感的肉肉



Braised meat is a dish in which the meat is cooked in a marinade after preliminary processing and blanching. It is often said that stewed meat is a kind of food that makes people happy.


The "stewing method" detailed in Jia Sixie's Qimin Yaoshu in the Northern Wei Dynasty was actually a marination method. He wrote: “stew pork, chicken and duck with shreds of green onion, ginger, tangerine, parsley and garlic, then add into vinegar, thus making the ‘braised meat’.”


The popularity of braised meat is probably related to its own characteristics. First, it has a unique flavor. Under the effect of condiment, its color is pleasing to the eye, and the taste is mellow and strong, which can stimulate people's appetite directly. Second, it is practical. Stewed meat can be served cold and hot, which is suitable for all ages. It can serve as a cold dish in a banquet, or a fast food or snack, which is easy to carry. Third, it is easy to make. Just prepare the marinade, and cook the meat in it. It comes from a wide range of sources, including meat from poultry and livestock.


Braised meat is a must on a banquet of Zhengzhou people, and sauced meat shops are ubiquitous on snack streets. With a mouthful of meat already marinated, the smell of incense really fills you with happiness.



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